Thursday, August 26, 2010

Skywatch Friday: Windshield Sky

1. side window 2. cloud reflections 3. who's looking at you 4. Clouds 5. Greenlee county sky

Gus had fun with his camera under a Greenlee County Sky 8-1-10

Skywatch Friday


Birding is Fun! said...

Fun concept and the results were impressive.

Anonymous said...

I do this too,it is fun, isn't it. That is one pretty sky.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos and reflections. The clouds are just beautiful.

Jim said...

Great way to view the sky.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Gaelyn said...

These are Awesome! I especially like the back window shot with car and sky. Excellent captures Gus.

Wanda said...

Love the refection in the car windows... that is so cool.

Anonymous said...

Nice reflections & that last shot is beautiful! WoW!

Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Very unusual and very artistic Kathie.

Carver said...

Wow, what a fantastic sky. Great shots.

DeniseinVA said...

Just love these photos Kathie. Big beautiful and open skies.
An English Girl Rambles

Larry said...

That is such a cool effect with the clouds in the windshield-you must keep your winshield clean-if that was on my truck window the clouds probably wouldn't have come out.

Pam Johnson Brickell said...

Hi, I found you thru Debbie's Drawing the Motmot. Your images are outstanding. My folks retired and passed away in Tucson. Haven't been out there since and truly miss it. Thanks for the memories.

Luuuuuua said...

superbe fotografii,bravo