A year ago on July 3rd, in the midst of chaos, Sycamore Canyon was born. I was in Connecticut at the time visiting my family. My mom had invited my brothers and sister and all resulting children and grandchildren over to the house for a good-bye celebration. Amidst the jumble of babies and bodies my youngest brother, Chris and his partner, T accompanied me to my mother’s room where her computer stood in a dark corner between her dresser and her bed. A dim yellow light cast a warm glow on the slanted ceiling that cramped the space even more. Chris and T had been telling me for months that I needed to start a Blog. Now T sat at the computer, logged onto Blogger, and started the process. I stood behind him, dazed and confused.
We named the Blog Sycamore Canyon, but when we tried to get that name as our URL it was already taken. In the rush of everyone wanting to leave and me in my ignorance and under pressure of time, I chose coronadetucson, figuring no one would have that URL. I was right and Sycamore Canyon was born. The info was emailed to my home email address, Chris and T left with the rest of the family, and the next morning I drove to the airport at 4 a.m. and was home to Tucson by 10. It was the morning of the 4th of July.
It took until July 27 for me to get brave enough to get online and try to figure the whole thing out. I was a babe in the waters, not knowing anything about how a blog works. T had said he couldn’t wait until he saw a long blog roll in my side bar. I didn’t know what he was talking about. I stumbled and fumbled my way through, reading Blogger Help articles and clicking on this and that, always fearful that I would do permanent damage to something and I wouldn’t know how to fix it.
My early attempts at blogging were mostly the written word. I love to write and I only knew I wanted to write about birds, nature and wildlife and my experiences of living here in Sycamore Canyon. Then I learned how to add pictures. I remember the first day someone commented in on my blog, and the first day someone other than a family member or friend did. I was ecstatic and I think I cried with joy. Now, a year later, I know how to upload photos, format and, just 2 days ago, I finally figured out how to create a scheduled post! Woo Hoo!
Today I’m leaving on a jet plane for CT and Maine. While there I hope to be able to get on my mother’s new computer, which is still in a dark corner of her bedroom, and post to my Blog from there. However, if you don’t hear from me within the next 2 weeks, I’ll have lots of stories to tell when I return.
The blogging baby is growing up! I might be considered a blogging teenager now!
If you want to read my very first post, which tells how we came to Sycamore Canyon click on the Introduction.
Well Done Brave Lady.
Happy Independence Day.
Thanks Roy!
Kathie Happy 4th of July and most important Happy Blogversary!It is simply a JoY to come by and see all that you share from Arizona ...a place close to my heart as I spend my winters in Scottsdale!
Happy Trails to you and we'll catch up soon!Wonderful images! hugs NG
Congratulations Kathie! I'm glad T got you to take the plunge. Sycamore Canyon is one of my favorite places to visit!
Have a wonderful and safe visit back east.
What a great story. I empathize with the "babe" syndrome when it comes to blogging: it's still kind of a mystery to me. And I agree with other folks who have already left their comments: this is a truly exceptional blog, and one of my very favorite to visit. I'm so glad you got the digital bug!
good work! execellent serie!!!
best regards
Happy Blogaversary to you! I hope that by the time my first blogaversary rolls around, I will have learned even half as much about blogging as you have done. You have a lovely site. Your bird photos today are wonderful (love that hummingbird face.)
Good for you, Kathie, and congratulations on making a whole year of posts. Did you think it would be this much fun when you started?
Happy Birthday! And if your cross country flight finds you on I-95 and flying by exit 17, do slow down and take a half mile detour to my house. You'll be greeted with a glass of iced tea or wine...which is your preference???
Cingrats on reaching your milestone. I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing Gus's wonderful pictures, so I hope you have many more blog birthdays!
Happy 4th
Congrats on your one yr blogging anniversary. You have a great blog with excellent photos. Happy 4th of July and enjoy your vacation.
Have a great trip Kathie. You might want to see how we look on that new computer. Probably not any better than on the old one. See you when you get back. Pappy
What a great look back! I love your photography and writing! Happy Blogaversary!
I must confess that I laughed at your Rat saga, a little, not too much!
Happy blogiversary, Kathie. I surely enjoyed reading your earlier posts. Your writing style is such that I cannot just skim over your posts, but I have to read every word. And, of course, I love reading about the desert southwest. I feel that I have made a new blogging friend and will be adding your blog to my blogroll. Keep up the great writing, and I am so glad you now live in the "western" part of this beautiful country.
You always have beautiful photos - you are definitely a "blogging pro!"
I'd say it looks like you're a really fast learner. Great job!. (and I love you SWF shot, it's beautiful) Have fun on your trip!
I, for one, am very glad you took on this blog thing and made it work for you. You post awesome photos and the stories that go along with them. I'm so glad I found your blog Kathie!
Oh my! The photography is stunning. I am going to enjoy plenty more visits here. Thanks for pointing me here.
As the saying goes: you've come a long way, baby! Happy Blogaversary. I read your first post. It was wonderful! (As opposed to my own, which was something like: I don't know hat to say. Why am I doing this?)
Your photos are really wonderful. I don't htink I've ever seen one of a real roadrunner before.
Enjoy your trip to Connecticut.
Happy blogaversary. I've enjoyed getting my Arizona fix through Sycamore Canyon. Safe travels, and I'll see you in a few weeks.
It's scary, isn't it, putting a blog together? And putting your thoughts out into the ethereal Internet?
But I'm sure glad you did!
Nice of you to share your blog journey. The photos you added to this post are very nice. But I do have a question: what the heck is this scheduled post thing you mention? You make a schedule and stick to it, or????
Congratulations on one year at blogging! I felt like I was reading my own beginnings as I read yours, and it made me smile a lot :-) You have a beautiful blog and I like seeing the nature in that area, because I have a sister who lives in Tucson so it seems a bit familiar as I watch your story unfold. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations on your one year blogging anniversary. You have a great blog and the photography is excellent.
Thank you everyone for your kind and encouraging comments and congratulations. When I started last year I wasn't sure I would make it this far.
As for answers to specific questions:
No Wren, I did not know it would be this much fun. I only know I liked to write and I wanted to start doing it again. I did this as a creative outlet and a discipline.
T.S. annie, Hot tea or wine, either works for me, but exit 17 must be way down by New York and I am not headed that way. I wish I was because I would love to meet you. Perhaps next time? Thank you for the invitation. We are headed north to Maine first thing tomorrow.
zakee, "Scheduled posts" are a wonderful new thing that Blogger started a couple of months ago. When you are writing your post there is a button in the bottom left corner that says "Post Options" If you click on that button it opens a box that has the date and time in the bottom right corner. If you change that date and time to a future date and time, then click publish, your post won't publish until the date you scheduled it for! I tried it just before I left. It worked! And, if you need to edit the post it will be available under your "Edit Posts" links as a "scheduled post" where you can click on it and still edit it just like you do with a draft. However, IF you have comments set up with a word verification you cannot schedule posts.
Ah, thanks for that info on scheduled posts. Didn't even notice they added it to the features available.
Congratulations on your one year blogging anniversary!
Nice to hear about the beginging of this excellent blog. It has been quite a joy to read your posts and see pics of from a part of the world utterly different from mine.
My favourite pics of the ones posted here is the Roadrunner - because it looks so archaic!
Fantastic bird photos,
PS: I see you have your photos under control.
Great job.
Congratulations! You've done some really great blogging thus far.I hope that you keep it going for a long time to come.
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