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Sunny and 58 degrees Fahrenheit at 8:15 a.m.
A journal about nature, birds and wildlife in Sycamore Canyon of the Scenic Santa Ritas Mountains in Corona de Tucson, including birding in the Tucson area. "Hold fast to your dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." Langston Hughes
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Skywatch Friday!
Gambel's Quail in Sycamore Canyon 2008 by Kathie
So, the Common Merganser and the Common Golden Eye make 108 and 109, Right? Not so fast she says.
First of all, when I counted the Pyrrhuloxia as number 107 the other day I was wrong. I kept wondering why it was not recording on my eBird list at the end when I lined up the data according to the dates. So, yesterday I arranged the data alphabetically and found out I HAD recorded this species of bird at the beginning of the month in Arivaca. So, that makes the count 108.
Now, for another adjustment: In recording the Black-throated Green Warbler I saw at Madera Canyon I have been corresponding with Rich Hoyer from eBird. Because this is my first sighting and because I don’t have any photos and I did not see the markings on its back and because a Hermit Warbler was also seen in the area around the same time, my Black-throated Green sighting is noted but not validated. Therefore I am removing it from my Big January list and putting it as unconfirmed on my life list. This is okay. I do not want to count a species of bird that I have not positively identified. I am sure I will get my chance again one day. As for eBird, they have to do this to maintain their quality of information. It is not a slight towards me or any other birder. In fact, it can make you feel more confident in the data they release.
So, with these two adjustments and the two new species my Big January count stands at 107 species!
Now, I have two weeks to rest up before the Great Backyard Bird Count starts on Presidents Day weekend, February 13 through the 16th.
Big January Bloggers Final count:
Larry, Brownstone Birding Blog: 100*
Ruth, Body, Soul and Spirit: 61*
Mike, 10,000 Birds: 55*
Mary, Mary's View: 30ish* (she thinks) :)
The Strobels, Bird Couple: 87*
KAllen305, Kitchen Window Birder: 37*
Anyone Else? Let me know and I will add you to the list!
*Congratulations Everyone!