Ever since we moved here 2 1/2 years ago we knew this day would come. Well, now it is here and I have to say it makes me sad. I feel all closed in now with those home so close and blocking my view of the Catalinas and Rincon Mountains. I feel like I live in a canyon, instead of the wide open spaces. While I still have my view to the west of the sunset and a view to the south of Mount Fagan, I will miss the feeling of openness I have enjoyed for so long.
Good-bye wide open sky.
See more Sky views at...
Sorry I have not been around to see everyone. A lot has been going on around here. I will try to get to your blogs soon. I miss you all!
Oh, Kathie, these are just lovely. Especially the rainbow of course.
I've been in the same boat, getting my view "built up" around me. But you still have much beauty around you, and the colors are spectacular!
I have come to realize how much I need open space around me. You have lived in Maine, you know how dark the winters are. One of the things I want in my next place is a view of the sunset and sunrise.
You are still pretty open there, though, even with the houses. I wonder if the houses in New Mexico with stairs to the roof are built to get closer to the sky?
Wonderful photos as always!
Have a great weekend
Regina In Pictures
Sorry your view is changing so drastically. I hope you meet and like some of your new neighbours to make you feel a tiny bit better.
....how disappointing........a similar thing happened to us in our first house. When land behind us was sold. It would break my heart every time another stand of trees went down.
Very disappointing Kathie.
Never believe anything they put in these new property Brochures.
Sorry that your space is being encroached upon. You must live in a very appealing spot for all these people to be moving in.
I do feel for you Kathie. I still remember the same feeling when the mountain near our home - more a hill really - was gouged out layer by layer and we saw the houses go up. That gorgeous view disappeared and we felt a great sadness. They blasted every day and at first we thought it was an earthquake until we learned it was dynamite. Had to listen to that for a long time while those houses were being built :(
Oh Kathie, I like the first view best. Is it time to move, or just adjust? Take care.
Kathie, what beautiful photo's, especially the rainbow.
Sorry about all the changes but Kathie I still feel you live in a lovely neighbourhood with many beautiful views to enjoy. No one likes change very much especially if they are removing healthy trees while making them but with your beautiful heart and attitude I know you will adjust and continue to count your blessings. Good Luck my friend.....:-) Hugs
I'm sorry you have lost a favorite view. Sometimes it would be nice if the world would back off and leave us the beauty we love...but it just keeps creeping up on us. sigh. We were the 2nd house of 8 on our street and for a year or two it was liked we owned it all and there were birds I no longer see and trees and nice places to explore nature. Then one by one the other lot owners built leaving me surrounded on almost all sides. It's still better than in the city, but not so wild any more.
So glad to see you still have a rainbow in your sky with the possibility of the mining looming on th horizon.
What a horrible shame.
I love your site. Beautifully crafted shots. The bats are delightful!
I tried, but failed with mine! Better luck next time! I will link my bat page to yours. It will provide a much better glimpse!
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