Friday, February 12, 2010

The GBBC Has Begun!

It's just after midnight on the 12th and I have been listening to a Great-horned owl hooting from a rooftop across the street. It is so loud that I can here it from inside my house, though I did step outside to see if I could see it. No chance! It's pitch black dark out there! Still, it will constitute the first bird of my bird count today. Gus and I are going to see how many checklists we can acquire in a variety of places and habitats. He will be taking photos while I count the birds! We hope to put Corona de Tucson and Rio Rico on the GBBC map!

Good birding everyone. Now get out there and count! (click on the button above to learn more or to enter checklists. By the way, you don't have to be an expert and you will have fun!)


Dawn Fine said...

Have fun with the bird count..give me a shout out when u r done and ready and relaxed and want to come birding at the Desert museum.
Oh..went to sweetwater..and it was hopping..saw a black throated gray cool..
and few yellow warblers..tons of ducks..and Eurasian collared doves..which we didnt think you had here in the area.

Dawn Fine said...

do u think they were domestic ring turtle doves?

Beth Niquette said...

There are owls which frequent the barns of the farms near town--one can often hear them sofly hooting over the town in the dead of night.