An alert has gone out that a Mountain Lion has been spotted in Sycamore Canyon. On November 20th it was spotted in the Sycamore Canyon Park area. So what did I do? I grabbed my camera early the next morning and headed down there hoping to see it. Alas, all I saw were sunlight, saguaros, and the Santa Rita Mountains...
Top 10 Too’s – Binocular Mistakes
5 hours ago
Fabulous shots, Kathie, even without the Mountain Lion! Love the first one and of course the Road Runner!
Have a great weekend!
I love your sophisticated warning system! Roadrunners are always appealing to me, and they have no reason to be concerned!
I am not sure how I would react to that kind of news but I might grab a camera. I like your shots. I didn't have anything so wild but I did have a nice Moon.
Brookville Daily Photo
I like the warning sign. I live in a small town, and we do similiar things.
Yes, it is kind of low tech, isn't it? Did you see any tracks, mountain lion that is. I am sure you saw lots of roadrunner tracks.
LOL! So Kathie, a mt lion warning goes up and you grab the camera. I'd be right behind you. ;-) The dusk of the day may prove better. All the open green would sure provide nice browse for the deer and birds. Hope you see one from a safe place.
I LOVE your warning system. I think I would have reacted just as you did. Too bad you didn't find it, but you found some great pictures.
I hope you were not out there alone looking to take photos of the Mountain Lion. Did someone go with you? Cool shot of the Road Runner, I hope to see a Road Runner some day.
I did encounter a bobcat at our small resort in Sedona, Arizona. I did have a camera with me, but, I froze and didn't take a photo of it. We stared at each other and then the bobcat sauntered off out of the resort property. The owner emailed me a photo of it, which was taken a few days earlier. This bobcat visits now and then...and then goes on its way. I will post the photo soon.
The bobcat didn't seem aggressive but I think I would have been a goner had it been a mountain lion!!! Be careful out there!
I'm told that my new house will look out onto the area where the mountain lion was seen. The Realtor said she wanted to go look too. I asked about getting a higher, denser view fence! Thanks for the great pix!
Hope you get to see it...and get a picture...
Way to go ;-)
We've had similar reports here in Southern California where building has encroached on the natural habitats of such wild animals. Beautiful skies, cactus ... and marvelous road runner shot! Love your header too.
Hugs and blessings,
My Sky Watch
Well, of course. What else would you do with news of a dangerous wild animal nearby but make sure you had your camera before going out. No brainer! :)
Yes I think I would grab my camera too. Enjoyed your photos, lovely shot of the road runner.
Sounds like a totally natural and eminently sensible reaction to me :) Exactly what I would have done too!
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